Who are we?
We aren’t travel experts. We don’t know the best way to pack a bag or rack up miles or get insane discounts. We’re just James and May, two Seattleites who decided to take the plunge and travel longer than the standard two week vacation. We’re trying to finally do what we always said we “wish we could do.” We’ll figure things out along the way.
Why Travel?
Third, our actual real answer is food. We will go hours out of our way for an excellent meal.
Why are we blogging?
First and foremost, this is a blog for ourselves. We want to avoid looking back and thinking:
“Where was that again?”
“What was that restaurant called?”
“Who was that guy we met at that hostel???”
This is a big trip that we’ve been dreaming of for a long time, and we want to be able to remember our experiences beyond fading memories. The act of documenting will help us remember, and give us something to look back on.
Second, this is for our friends and family–so they can have an idea of what we’re doing while we’re so far away. Also so they know we’re not dead.
And finally, if you’re a stranger who came across our site or channel, then welcome!
Thanks for joining us on our JaMayzing adventure!